By: Conrad Faber von Creuznach (active c. 1500 – 1552/53)
Created: 1532, Collection: National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland Rights: CC-BY-SA
This pose is very simple to recreate but what will make your recreation stand out is how you replicate the headdress and elaborate costume. You can also try to find a beautiful landscape - real or not - to use as a background.
According to an inscription on the back of the panel, Katherina Knoblauch, a member of the aristocratic House of Limpurg of Frankfurt, was 19 years old when this painting was made. She had been married to Friedrich Rohrbach for three years. The artist also painted her husband (which can be seen at the Art Institute in Chicago) and the continuation of the panoramic landscape in both portraits confirms that they were originally conceived as a pair.
Katherina is shown wearing a brightly coloured outfit that is sumptuously decorated with gold embroidery and jewellery, reflecting her aristocratic status. The reverse of the panel also carries a painted coat of arms of the Knoblauch family, which features three cloves of garlic (‘knoblauch’ in German).